Products & Services
Weekly Pool Maintenance
Premium Weekly Pool Maintenance Service $279 + Tax / Month
LIMITED TIME OFFER $245 + Tax / Month
Equipment Repair
PoolDocx offers full service equipment repairs and upgrades. Let our trained and licensed technicians handle all of your repair needs.
Automated Pool Cleaner Repair
PoolDocx offers adjustment and repair service for your Polaris pool cleaner.
Backwash Valves
PoolDocx PCC-R certified technicians will help you diagnose any problems with your Backwash valve.
Valves & Plumbing
PoolDocx offers repair and replacement of all above ground PVC related valves and plumbing.
Filter Cleaning
PoolDocx recommends that your filters are cleaned at a minimum of every 6 months.
Free Pool Consult
Call us to schedule a free consult and water test!
A beautiful pool starts at the filters. With our Premium Weekly Pool Maintenance we include up to 2 filter cleanings per year!
(409) 209-4335